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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of hire

  1. Booking
    A boat booking is confirmed when a completed booking form together with 20% of the total hire fee to the nearest pound or full payment if within 8 weeks has been received and acknowledged by the Company. This booking can then only be altered or cancelled by the authorised person. No dates will be held or reserved until the deposit has been paid. Website bookings will be held for 24 hours only pre-payment (from time of booking) and then will be cancelled if payments are not made.

  2. Balance of Hire Fees
    The balance of hire fees is due to be paid to the Company 8 weeks before the start of your holiday. Or if your holiday is within 8 weeks then full payment is due to book your holiday. Failure to pay on-time could result in your holiday being terminated and your deposit being retained. Reminders will be sent via automatic emails, however it is the hirer’s responsibility to make sure payments are on time.

  3. Gas & Fuel
    The Company may make a fuel surcharge if there are any increases of gas or diesel fuel duty or VAT rates. Your price includes Gas and Diesel. You will have more than required to complete your holiday. For long trips over 2 weeks you will be given information on how to fuel up if required. These prices are reduced accordingly and the extra fuel will be at the cost of the hirer.

  4. Cancellation
    if you have to cancel, please contact us immediately and confirm the cancellation by email. We will then make every effort to re book the holiday – the 20% deposit amount will not be refundable for any holidays cancelled within 8 weeks of departure. (Unless due to lockdown style restrictions) If we are able to rebook your holiday then we will refund this deposit amount as well, so the quicker you let us know the more chance of refunding all your money.

  5. Change of holiday dates/boat
    We only operate 1 boat so we will not be able to make any changes to your boat, but we may be able to move the dates of your holiday subject to prices and bookings. We may be able to change your start and finish times a little each way, especially if the boat is returned in a very clean condition or we do not have a holiday after yours.

  6. Skipper and Crew
    For your safety there is a minimum requirement of two adults over 21 when navigating the boats. This is due to operating the boat and locks and to take turns in driving the boat if you wish to cruise for long periods of time. Single sex parties e.g. stag or hen parties are not allowed on our boats.

  7. Extra Persons
    We will setup the beds for the amount of people who have booked, we recommend 2 adults and up to 4 children on our boat due to bed designs and not having to layout the sofa bed in the saloon which you would need to setup each day yourself – however it can sleep up to 8 people – the bunks are suitable for adults but maybe a little snug. If you want to add people to your booking before the start date then please let us know and we can add this. We need information of all adults for insurance purposes, this can be entered in the pre check in section once you have a booking. The bed sizes and layouts can be found in the downloads section of our website.

  8. Pets
    A maximum of two Dogs are allowed on our boat and this option is in our booking system, charges apply. (no cats – sorry they tend to scratch things). Hirers must provide their own pet blankets/beds, all pets must be properly house trained or crated as appropriate and must not be left unattended on the boat. Under no circumstances must pets be allowed on any beds or seating. Pets are not covered under the Company insurance and the Hirer shall be liable for the cost of any damage or extra cleaning required. If you want to enquire about extra dogs please let us know.

  9. Hire Periods
    The hire period starts and finishes as detailed on your booking confirmation. We need time to be able to show you around the boat and take you for a test cruise – we will normally do the test cruise first if lighting is an issue, you may not be able to set off on your first day / night – the rules on the canal are engines off from 8pm to 8am, this is a strict rule and must be stuck to. We do not allow night time cruise – please keep this in mind as winter will mean your first night will be just after the handover.

  1. Taking Over
    On arrival we will be there to help you board and after having received your instruction you will be asked to sign a ‘Boat Acceptance Certificate’. Thereafter the Hirer is responsible for the boat, its equipment and its operation until it is handed back to us at the end of the hire period. Further instruction in boat handling and lock operation will continue until you are confident.
  2. Fishing
    Fishing is not allowed off the boat at ANY time and no bait must be kept on-board.

  3. Smoking
    Smoking is not permitted on the boat at any-time anywhere including outside areas. If you wish to smoke please get off the boat and smoke on the towpath or lock areas.
If smoking has taken place or any damage from smoking then you will lose your complete deposit and be banned from using our boat in the future – please also note it is illegal to smoke inside an enclosed place under UK law and this includes the Boat.

  1. Bicycles and Canoes
    Bicycles and Canoes need to be confirmed before you book to see if we can make provisions for them, at no point should items like this be taken inside the boat. We don’t allow anything to be stored on our roof without prior permission.

  2. Cruising
    Our boat is located at the KENNET and AVON canal and is licensed to cruise the rivers and canals controlled by the Canal & River Trust. And The Environment agency canals and rivers – YOU CAN NOT GO ON THE RIVER WEY OR THE BASINGSTOKE CANAL UNLESS YOU PAY THE FEES. (these are private) and some other canals and rivers won’t be allowed, we can help you plan a route depending on your days away if required, if you’re not sure please ask us for a list of canals and rivers allowed on.
You must not navigate the craft at a speed above 4 miles per hour or between 8pm and 8am. You must slow down when meeting other boats and passing moored boats and fisherman. No more than two day visitors are allowed without prior agreement.

All windows must be closed when moving. The front and rear doors maybe open and this will allow a good air flow through the boat. Any damages to the windows will be charged.
  1. Helmsman
    Minors under 21 must on no account be allowed to steer or operate any of the controls. The adult who signs for the boat is 100% responsible for the actions of all passengers and crew members.

  2. Return to Base
    The boat must be returned on time in a clean and tidy condition. The Company reserves the right to charge for extra cleaning. Should the boat not be returned on time a charge of £50.00 for every hour or part of an hour is made until the boat is safely returned? Unless pre arrangement has been agreed. Contact us ASAP if your running late, we recommend you return the night before and moor nearby if you’re not sure. This means you are fully packed and ready to hand over the keys, not arrived and still need to pack and empty the boat.

  3. Damage Waiver & Late return Deposit (not booking deposit).
    A £150 deposit is required on all our trips and is returnable 5 days after your return, this is so we can check over the boat while we get ready for the next trip. Fees will be made for excessive cleaning requirements, washing up, any damages/losses or late fees. If you do have any loses or damages you MUST report these to us immediately on return or before so we can arrange a repair as this could affect the next trip if not dealt with quickly. If this isn’t done then the cost for your deposit maybe higher as it may affect the next booking.

All damages will be fully billed to hirer’s regardless of the deposit value, the insurance is not for this purpose and these costs will probably be higher if we are not informed immediately as we will need to go off and get repairs sorted as soon as possible.
  1. Insurance
    Insurance of the craft with Third Party risks covered to £3,000,000 is included in the hire fee. In the event of an accident, however small, you must not accept liability. You must collect the names of witnesses and notify the Company immediately by telephone with full details.
The Company’s insurance does not cover personal accidents or loss or damage to personal effects. Personal accident insurance remains the responsibility of the Hirer.

  1. Maintenance, Repairs, Damage & Breakdowns
    The Hirer shall take reasonable care of the boat, its equipment and contents and shall return them at the end of the hire period as per our instructions and in good, clean and tidy condition. Any repairs or replacements by the Hirer without our approval will not be accepted. The Hirer shall be responsible for the removal of weeds, rope and other matter from the propeller where possible. The Hirer shall have no claim on us as a result of breakdown or failures of the boat and its equipment or for any delays caused by repairs to the boat. Should repairs be necessary they are our responsibility and must not be put into the hands of others without our permission? We will not come out for breakdowns that do not affect your trip – like tv, and extra items, we may authorise for you to purchase something and you will be fully repaid for any such item with a receipt – e.g. new kettle, toaster etc. should they break. The old part must be retained for inspection to make sure it wasn’t caused by misuse.

  2. Hirer’s Property
    We cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to your property, baggage, etc. however caused, whether on our premises or on the boat. We may return Hirer’s property left behind if claimed and following receipt of payment for postage and packing (minimum charge £5). Property not claimed within two months from the end date of the holiday will be disposed of by the Company.

  3. Events Beyond the Company Control 
    Unfortunately events or circumstances beyond our control, which we could not foresee or avoid, occasionally affect bookings. Such events could include the following: death or personal injury of Hirers their crew and passengers. Destruction or damage of your boat which cannot be easily remedied before the start of your holiday due to fire, flood, explosion, extreme weather, accident, break-in, criminal damage or any similar cause. Non-fulfilment or interruption of the booking or delays due to damage, breakdowns or mechanical problems with the boat. Restrictions or obstructions, resulting from repairs or damage to the waterways, C&RT emergency stoppages, non-availability of routes, navigational works, storms, floods, ice, other weather conditions or shortage of water. Shortage or non-availability of fuel for the boat. Late return by previous Hirers. Industrial action, riots, civil strife, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, war, threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity and all similar situations. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for or pay any compensation, costs or expenses where the performance of your contract is prevented or affected or you otherwise suffer any loss or damage as a result of events beyond our control. Hirers are recommended to take out personal holiday insurance cover.

  4. Brochure and Website
    Every effort is made to ensure that descriptions of our boat are accurate but we will not accept liability for any inaccuracy that may exist. Canal maps and boat plans are not necessarily to scale. Craft may be viewed by appointment before or after booking and we welcome the opportunity of showing you our boat.

  5. Our Reservations
    . We reserve the right to refuse to hand over a boat to any person, who in OUR opinion is not suitable to take charge of it. In this event all money minus the deposit will be refunded in full and the Hirers shall have no other claim against the Company. E.g. under influence of drugs or alcohol. B. We may repossess the boat at any time, if in OUR opinion the Hirer is not behaving responsibly and is a danger to himself and/or other canal users. The Hirer shall have no further claim on the Company and no refund shall be due.
    C. If owing to circumstances beyond the control of the Company, the Company is unable to provide the boat booked or a suitable alternative, the Company will refund in full all monies paid and the Hirer shall have no further claim against the Company.

  6. Data Protection Policy
    The handling and collection of any personal customer data is processed in accordance with local law and is not sold to third parties.

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